USE–LESS Center for Sustainable Design Strategies

© useless


No matter what you wear, how you live, or which products you use – we are surrounded by textiles everywhere. They are created through complex production processes that have an impact on both human health and the environment.

The USE–LESS Center for Sustainable Design Strategies brings together the research activities of the Fashion, Product Design, and Interior Architecture programs at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Current focal points include the research of sustainable and forward-thinking materials, the use of local resources, serial upcycling, and slow fashion.

In our design projects, we focus on how products can be designed to be circular, resource-efficient, and aesthetically pleasing. At the same time, we explore how consumers can change their consumption behaviors and continually seek opportunities to connect with international partners.

Collaboration with students on aspects of Education for Sustainable Development, as well as transferring knowledge to the wider public, plays a key role in our work and is consistently implemented in all our projects. Through knowledge transfer and communication of sustainability, we reach a broad audience.

[Translate to English:] Klebezettel an der Wand
© USE-LESS Ausstellung_Was_können_wir_ändern

For societal transformation, transparency in production conditions and participation are of great importance. In this context, environmental protection and fair working conditions are just as crucial as the selection of materials, creativity, and aesthetic aspects.

Be part of our USE–LESS movement and help us shape a more sustainable future. Join us at the USE–LESS TALKS or other events. Learn more about our current actions and projects on our Instagram account.


Here you can find our research projects, with USE-LESS being involved in many of them:


Under News and Events, you can find all the latest topics, with USE-LESS being a major part of them:
